Who the heck does Dan Jenkins think he is? How dare he write an article about an interview he had with Tiger Woods when he didn’t actually interview Tiger Woods?
I wish that everyone reads what must be the best fake interview with Tiger Woods of all time.
The next best part, and also the saddest part, of all of this is that Tiger felt he had to respond to Jenkins’s fake interview.
The interview might not have been true, but I thought it was funny.
But who is Dan Jenkins? According to Wikipedia, he is about to turn 85. He is also an legendary golf journalist and author (23 books and counting, including “Dead Solid Perfect” which was a story that pulled back the curtain of what the PGA Tour was really like back in the 1970s, and probably still is more true than not today). He used to cover golf for some magazine called Sports Illustrated, and now writes a monthly column for Golf Digest (although there was a period of time when he wasn’t appearing in too many Golf Digests, and that’s when I stopped my subscription).
Jenkins’ articles for Golf Digest are usually short stories that are satire, much like his fake interview with Tiger. Did I mention he is a legend?
So what was Tiger’s (over)reaction? First, to say that is was actually a “Fake” interview. Nailed it!! Then he comes off as the just the guy that Jenkins’ wrote about, the thin-skinned pouter who will fire or freeze out anyone who says anything about him that isn’t fawning worship. Tiger concludes this first paragraph with saying that Jenkins’ fake interview “fails as parody, and is really more like a grudge-fueled piece of character assassination.” And then proceeds to take some cheap shots of his own at Jenkins and Golf Digest.
While I agree with Tiger that he is not portrayed favourably at all in the “fake” interview, he must realize that it was never suggested that the interview was anything but FAKE.
What is Tiger taking umbrage about?
- That he’s a bad tipper? That is well known.
- That he’s been injury and scandal plagued? Everyone knows that too.
- That he fires people when they say or do things that he doesn’t 100% approve of? Fluff got turfed over what he said in a Golf Digest interview, and Steve Williams (a jerk in his own right) was fired for getting permission from Tiger (who was recovering from an injury) to caddy for Adam Scott for a few events, and when Tiger changed his mind and felt slighted.
- That Tiger hasn’t won a major for 6 years? Come on now.
- That he stunk in 2014 when he did play? Breaking news there.
Here is what I get out of this.
- Dan Jenkins is still great
- Tiger is as thin-skinned as ever.
- Golf Digest got a lot more readers than they usually get. If Tiger had just rolled with this one, 90% of the people who read Jenkins’ article would probably not have read it.
- Tiger helped out his buddy Derek Jeter by writing his response on Jeter’s new website, http://www.theplayerstribune.com. Jeter could not have had a better promoter.
Maybe I could be fortunate enough to have Tiger Woods complain about something from my site. Not that it really matters, but currently Tiger is ranked 1530 (out of 2055 players) on my Power Rankings, tied with Darren Clarke and right behind Greg Owen.
Here is Golf.com’s take on it, http://www.golf.com/tour-and-news/tiger-woods-calls-out-golf-writer-dan-jenkins-over-satirical-interview.
UPDATE – Here is USA Today’s Christine Brennan’s reaction to Tiger’s reaction. http://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/golf/2014/11/18/tiger-woods-dan-jenkins-fake-interview-christine-brennan/19246965/