While watching the Sony Open I noticed a couple of players were sporting impressive facial hair. I decided to go looking for pictures of them, and when I googled it up I found the Golf Channel already had an article on “Fear the Beard“.
The article references a couple of pictures tweeted out by Dave Shedloski. Here they are:
But Boo doesn’t have anything on Graham DeLaetand his 5-month project. #fearthebeard #SonyOpen pic.twitter.com/0OiVSCb9pr
— Dave Shedloski(@DaveShedloski) January 12, 2016
So, Boo Weekleyhas a future part-time job as a mall Santa if he keeps this up. #SonyOpen pic.twitter.com/OLcsYk7SI0
— Dave Shedloski(@DaveShedloski) January 12, 2016
The tweets are listed out of order, but being Canadian I felt it was only right to put DeLaet’s beard first.