2019 is finally here, and that means the new Rules of Golf are now in effect. I don’t know about you, but I find some of them to be unnecessary and some to be kind of dumb.
If you need some help with the new rules, check out the PGA Tour’s summary of the biggest changes.
The new rules affect:
- How to drop the ball
- How to take relief
- Eliminated some of the dumber penalties
- How bunkers are treated
- “Water Hazards” are now “Penalty Areas”
- What’s allowed on putting greens
- How to deal with lost of provisional balls
- How to deal with embedded balls
- What to do with unplayable lies
- No more getting alignment help from a caddie or partner
- And more…
In other words, the game is going to be slowed down because no one will be sure what to do in any situation.