Category Archives: News

Is Jack Cantin the Next Golf Phenom?

Well, maybe not the “next”, but definitely a potential future phenom.  Jack has the best swing for the “under 3” division, as judged by Annika and another Jack (Nicklaus).

Highlights from “The Match 3”

In the third iteration of “The Match” was played on Black Friday. There were a few good lines, the most memorable by Peyton Manning trashtalking Charles Barkley, on the range, and then later in the match when Barkley was trying to burn Manning, but Manning turned it around with a great line about Charles’ swing-thought.

Another great line was by Charles when he told the TNT group to cue up some Law & Order reruns because the match was going to be over early.

In case you don’t know, **SPOILER** Mickelson/Barkley beat Manning/Curry like a drum, winning easily.

Enjoy the highlights (see above), courtesy of House of Highlights on YouTube.  The biggest highlight is that more than $5 million was raised for various causes.

No 2021 Masters Tickets for Me

The e-mail came back in September, but since it is Masters week, I guess I ought to post the bad new.  Here is the e-mail:

2021 Masters Tickets Selection

We have completed the selection process for 2021 Practice Rounds and Daily Tournament tickets and regret your application was not selected for tickets.

Be sure to visit in June 2021 for details regarding the ticket application process for the 2022 Masters.

Thank you for your continued interest in the Masters.


Credentials Committee
Masters Tournament