Johnny’s Best Swing Tip


Johnny Miller has given out his Best Swing Tip Ever (click the link to get the full tip and see a video) on Here it is.

STEP 1: Take your normal address. Note the position of your left shoulder and burn it into your mind’s eye.

STEP 2: Swing the club back. Regardless of whether you make a big or little turn, or a wide or narrow arm swing, your left shoulder will move out of the position it was in at setup — and this shoulder movement is perfectly okay. Ideally, your shoulder should move under your chin, but that’s not critical.

STEP 3: Here’s the important part. As you swing down, concentrate on returning your left shoulder to its starting position. I don’t care how you do it — just do it

This makes pretty good sense, but don’t forget to keep turning your shoulders after impact.

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