The Stages of Golf


My friend Henry posted this on Facebook after playing his “usual” round of golf.

Stages of golf … and the thoughts that go through my head in a typical round of golf.

Hole 1: Optimistic – “I think this will be a good round. I was hitting it well at the range. I just have to keep doing the same thing.”
Hole 2: Confidence – “See! I can play this game.”
Hole 3: Arrogance – “I think I’ll put a little mustard on this one and show the guys I came to play.”
Hole 4: Denial – “I didn’t hit it square on the ball but I still hit it well.”
Hole 5: Blame – “There must have been a gust of wind that pushed my shot into the hazard.”
Hole 6: Confusion – “What the heck am I doing wrong NOW?!”
Hole 7: Analytical – “Am I lifting my head? Did I shift my weight back? Was my club face open?”
Hole 8: Anger – “Stupid f—ing game!”
Hole 9: Futility – “Doesn’t matter what I do for the rest of this round, my game is screwed.”
Hole 10: Ultimatum – “If I don’t par this hole, I’m giving up golf for good.”
Hole 11: Reneging – “If I don’t par THIS hole, I’m giving up golf for good.”
Hole 12: Justification – “If this game isn’t difficult, then we wouldn’t play it.”
Hole 13: Spiritual – “Dear God, just let me par this hole.”
Hole 14: Atheism – “There is no God.”
Hole 15: Bargaining – “I’ll be happy if I can just bogey this hole.”
Hole 16: Self-deprecating – “I SUCK!”
Hole 17: Retrospective – “Those were some good shots I made back at #1”
Hole 18: Acceptance – “I need to head back to the range and work on my swing.”
Walking back to the car: Masochistic – “So, when do we play the next round?”

I think he speaks for everyone.

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