Category Archives: Tips

Research Reveals the Secrets of the World’s Greatest Putters

Mark Broadie of posted an article about some “Secrets of the World’s Greatest Putters“.

It’s a very interesting article about the what is more important, having more one-putts or eliminating three-putts.  The importance really depends on what is your usual game.

Here are a couple of things from the article:

  • ” I compared the best putters on Tour today — that is, the leaders in Strokes Gained Putting — with the Tour’s average putters. The bottom line? The very best putters have 0.6 more one-putt greens (7.5 versus 6.9 per round) and just 0.15 fewer three-putt greens (0.40 versus 0.55 per round). The elite putters gain about four times as much from more one-putts than they do from fewer three-putts. (Granted, pros rarely three-putt.)”
  • Takeaway 1: Get short putts to the hole. The better-putting 80-shooters leave 12 percent of their 10-footers short, compared with 17 percent for 90-shooters. [For pros, it’s only 7 percent.]”
  • “Takeaway 2: Short putts [say, three to eight feet] matter most. Better short putting leads to more one-putts and fewer three-putts.”
  • “Takeaway 3: Distance control matters. As Pat Goss, Luke Donald’s short-game coach, has said, “I don’t think there’s a more important skill in golf than controlling distance in putting.””
  • “Takeaway 4: Compare your putting with the benchmark: 80-shooters average about one three-putt per round, 90-shooters average about two, and 100-shooters about three. If you average more three-putts than your benchmark, consider a putting lesson.”

I think the biggest takeaway is that anyone who has more than 30 putts in 18 holes needs to work on their putting (I average 33 putts per 18 holes).

How to Hit a Long Bunker Shot

Do you dread hitting the long bunker shot as much as I do? You know the one I mean. The one where you are too close to hit a full shot, but too far away to blast out onto the green.  I usually hit these shots so good (rarely), or so bad (a lot).  This might help.

Kuchar’s Short Game Tips

Matt Kuchar gave some of his tips for the short game to Holly Sonders.  I liked everything Kuchar said about his approach to chipping and pitching (ie, shallow angle of attack, inside-to-inside, feeling like you’re hitting little draws) and think you can’t help but have better strikes with these thoughts/techniques.