R&A and USGA Reveal Revised Rules of Golf

The R&A and USGA have revealed their revised Rules of Golf.  I used to know pretty much all of the rules, but now with all of the major and subtle changes, I have no idea what I know and don’t know about the new rules.

Here are some of the changes:

  • Dropping procedure: When taking relief (from an abnormal course condition or penalty area, for example), golfers will now drop from knee height. This will ensure consistency and simplicity in the dropping process while also preserving the randomness of the drop. (Key change: the proposed Rules released in 2017 suggested dropping from any height).
  • Measuring in taking relief: The golfer’s relief area will be measured by using the longest club in his/her bag (other than a putter) to measure one club-length or two club-lengths, depending on the situation, providing a consistent process for golfers to establish his/her relief area. (Key change: the proposed Rules released in 2017 suggested a 20-inch or 80-inch standard measurement).
  • Removing the penalty for a double hit:  The penalty stroke for accidentally striking the ball more than once in the course of a stroke has been removed. Golfers will simply count the one stroke they made to strike the ball.  (Key change: the proposed Rules released in 2017 included the existing one-stroke penalty).
  • Balls Lost or Out of Bounds: Alternative to Stroke and Distance:  A new Local Rule will now be available in January 2019, permitting committees to allow golfers the option to drop the ball in the vicinity of where the ball is lost or out of bounds (including the nearest fairway area), under a two-stroke penalty. It addresses concerns raised at the club level about the negative impact on pace of play when a player is required to go back under stroke and distance. The Local Rule is not intended for higher levels of play, such as professional or elite level competitions. (Key change:  this is a new addition to support pace of play)

There are also a bunch of other changes, allowing players to repair spike marks or damage on greens, remove loose impediments in “penalty areas” (formerly called hazards) and sand traps, and there will no longer be a penalty for a putted ball striking a flagstick left in the hole.

They are going to put out three rule books; “The Player’s Edition of the Rules of Golf”, “The Rules of Golf”, and “The Official Guide to the Rules of Golf”. Every golfer should get at least the “Player’s Edition”.

Remember, these rule changes don’t come into effect until 2019.

Paul Casey Passes Tiger Woods and Patrick Reed to Win 2018 Valspar

Paul Casey passed Tiger Woods and Patrick Reed to win the 2018 Valspar Championship.  Casey shot a final round of 6-under 65.  Tiger could only manage a final round of 1-under and Patrick Reed scored at 3-under.  Patrick Reed came to the final hole tied with Casey, but 3-putted for bogey to lose.  Be sure to watch the highlights video from PGA Tour’s Youtube page (below) to see how Patrick Reed 3-putted.

The win was Casey’s second on the Tour, and first since 2009.

Don’t Forget Your Sweater

I think this might be one of the all time great golf jokes.

Four men are finishing up a round of golf one Saturday morning, and one of the men asks the others “What are you guys doing this afternoon?”

The first guy says “I have to clean out the garage. The only way my wife would let me golf this morning was if I promised to have the garage cleaned out by this afternoon.”

The second guy then says “I have to cut my lawn and weed all the gardens. My wife told me that was the only way I could go golfing today.”

The third guy then responds “My wife told me that if I went golfing this morning then I had to clean the gutters out this afternoon.”

The final member of the group remained silent.

The other three all looked at him and said “Come on, tell us what you have to do back home since you golfed this morning.”

The the fourth guy looked at them all and smiled and says “Nothing.”

The other three can’t believe it and ask him how he managed to get to come to the golf course without having to do something around the house.

The fourth man says “It was easy. My alarm went off at 6am, I rolled over and asked the wife ‘Golf course or intercourse?’ and she said to me ‘Don’t forget your sweater'”.

Foot Flare Helps Alignment and Accuracy

Golf Channel’s Martin Hall has a tip that a small shift in your stance can greatly help aligning the rest of the body.

I noticed this last year when helping a friend at the driving range.  He was very closed to the target and his front foot was almost pigeon-toed.  When I suggested flaring his front foot, his feet, knees, hips and shoulders all immediately became perfectly aligned to the target.

Amateurs Playing in 2018 AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am

I remember when watching the AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am was fun because of all of the celebrities taking part and stress out over “making the cut” to play the final day.

Now it’s a boring tournament as the majority of the amateurs taking part seem to be corporate executives, and even the “celebrities” are not really A-list.  Who would you be interested in seeing from the list below?  Seriously, outside of Bill Murray, the NFL players (like Tony Romo, Aaron Rodgers, Larry Fitzgerald), there is not an A-lister to be found.  Where is the new Jack Lemon and Clint Eastwood?

Here is the list of the amateurs that I found on GolfWeek.com:

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